hellowater alkaline

The Value of Water
Water is important to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. It is our very life.
But which kind of water? Not all water is the same.
Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. That’s why you call it H2O. Water’s pH level determines how acidic it is and ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. If water is below 7 on the pH scale, it’s “acidic.” If it’s higher than 7, it’s “alkaline.”
To give you some context (and comparison), orange juice has a pH of 3.3 and black coffee is about a 5. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7. But tap water in the U.S. tends to fall below that — in the 4.3 to 5.3 range — depending on where you live.
What does that have to do with my body/health?
Your body maintains a tightly regulated pH level. This is a measure of acidity and alkalinity in the fluids and tissues of the body that is based on a scale from 0 to 14.
A lower pH level is more acidic, and higher pH levels are considered more alkaline. While a pH of 7 is neutral, a slightly alkaline pH of 7.35–7.45 is considered optimal for human health. Even minute changes in your body’s pH levels can cause a major impact on health.
Alkalosis, which is caused by a high pH level, can cause symptoms like confusion, muscle twitching and nausea, while acidosis can result in fatigue, shallow breathing and headaches.
Goodbye acidity – Hello Alkaline
What is alkaline water?
Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water.
Because of this, some advocates of alkaline water believe it can neutralize the acid in your body. Alkaline water must also contain alkaline minerals and negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP). ORP is the ability of water to act as a pro antioxidant. The more negative the ORP value, the more anti-oxidizing it is.
Most states do not permit the alkalinity of water to exceed 10.0 pH for public consumption and current brands offer a pH range from 8.8 to 9.5pH for labeling.
Water pH can be adjusted toward alkalinity in one of three ways:
- Naturally, by spring water percolation through specific rock formations, such as limestone. Natural alkaline springs usually have a pH of 7.7-8.0.
- By the addition of buffering agents, whereby an additive is mixed with water, such as sodium bicarbonate. Buffering can usually achieve a pH of 8.0 or so before the needed buffering agent either can no longer be absorbed in water, or the residual taste profile is unappealing.
- Electrolysis, which is a technology similar to deionization, where ions are exchanged within the water using an electrical catalyst, typically electrolytes, to allow for the concentration of highly acidic water from highly alkaline water.
Almost uniformly, all significant offering alkaline water utilize some proprietary equipment to effectuate electrolysis with some entities adding proprietary minerals and compounds to allow for the separation of acid and alkaline water more fully. The balanced ratio of electrolytes and glucose in high water is touted as a proven hydration methodology of up to 3x normal water hydration absorption in the body.
Does it really work?
Despite the lack of proven scientific research, proponents of alkaline water believe in its proposed health benefits. These include:
- anti-aging properties (via liquid antioxidants that absorb more quickly into the human body)
- colon-cleansing properties
- immune system support
- hydration, skin health, and other detoxifying properties
- weight loss
- cancer resistance
Of these claims, advanced hydration is by far the most common with alkaline water being absorbed more quickly by the body and blood steam and thus aids in recovery from physical exercise more quickly. There are thousands of individual testimonials of health benefits on the various pH water sites.
Water source
The water quality of the original source, before ionization, is crucial to ensuring contaminants aren’t present in the drinking water.
Some scientists advise using reverse-osmosis to adequately purify water before connecting an alkaline ionizer, which can raise pH and add minerals.
Our Processes
hellowater® ’s alkaline processes utilize spring water, which by the nature of its mineral spring components, is sufficient to provide consumption minerals and assist in the electrolysis process utilized for alkalinity. Our alkaline water maintains a pH level of 9.5 from the first sip to the last. It also will not lose its alkaline properties while sitting on the shelf.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, alkaline water is very different from regular water. Regular water has a pH of 7. Alkaline water has a pH between 8 and 9. This is not something that will impact the taste of alkaline water.
Our proprietary process our ph of 9.5 will remain through the life of the beverage. Some cheaper versions will start to lose the ph level just weeks after production.
Yes, alkaline water does contain a few other ingredients in addition to water. For example, alkaline water also contains a wide variety of natural minerals. These minerals are important to the overall function of the human body.
Yes, alkaline water is safe to drink. It is a natural liquid that can help you stay hydrated.
Yes, it is possible to drink too much alkaline water. This could impact the body’s overall pH, leading to side effects including muscle twitches, numbness, tingling, hand tremors, and nausea. Therefore, people should track the amount of alkaline water they are drinking carefully.
Alkaline water is something that occurs naturally. When water flows through a natural spring, it has the potential to pass over rocks. That is where a lot of the minerals come from. This is something that is naturally occurring and it increases the alkalinity of water. This is another area of alkaline water that is still being actively researched.
These are just a few of the many questions that people tend to have when it comes to alkaline water. Anyone who is thinking about drinking alkaline water on a regular basis may want to speak with a trained healthcare professional first.
Of course, there are a lot of people who simply want to know if alkaline water is something that is good for them. First, it is important to note that alkaline water is safe. The pH of alkaline water is monitored closely. Therefore, it is not something that is going to be so high that it is dangerous.
Furthermore, alkaline water also contains a lot of natural minerals. These minerals are important for the daily functions of the body. A lot of these minerals even act as cofactors for specific enzymes. These cofactors are required to power the body’s enzymatic functions.
At the same time, just as people drink regular water, it is important for people to think carefully about how much water they are drinking. Even though staying hydrated is good, it is also possible for people to drink too much water. If people drink too much alkaline water, they could develop something called metabolic alkalosis, which could lead to nausea, hand tremors, and muscle twitching. This is something that people should consider when they are reaching for a bottle of alkaline water.
There are a lot of health benefits when it comes to drinking alkaline water. It may be able to help people improve their blood flow, keep diabetes in check, reduce their cholesterol levels, and treat acid reflux. There are other benefits that are still being investigated.